Peace Sites

The following are links to sites that strongly advocate issues of peace and social justice -

Pennies for Peace
Voices for Creative Nonviolence
Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO)
United States Institute of Peace
International Campaign to Ban Landmines
Central Asia Institute
Transcend International
Partners in Health
Bertrand Russell Peace Foundation
War Resistor's League
Connecting Communities Working Towards Peace
Mercy Corp
Grameen America
Embracing the World
Doctors without Borders
Women in Black
Jewish Voice for Peace
The Carter Center
John Dear
Bertrand Russell Peace Foundation
The Gallmann Memorial Foundation
Free the Children
Catholic Worker Movement
Hull-House Museum
Trauma Healing and Reconciliation Services
West Africa Network for Peace Building
Women in Peace Building Network
Women Journalists Without Chains
Plan International
Adin Ballou Site
Center of Justice and Reconciliation
Gender, Security and Peace Hub
People Building Peace
The Corporate Social Responsibility News Wire
African Women Leaders Network for Reproductive Health and Family Planning
Do One Thing for a Better World
L'Arch Noah Sealth of Seattle
West Africa Civil Society Institute
Center for Conflict Resolution South Africa
Mano River Union
West Africa Women's Association
United Nations Institute for Training and Research
Urgent Action Fund Africa
Pax Chrisit
Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies
Catholic Peacebuilding Network
Conciliation Resources
The Peace Company
Institute for Multi-Track Diplomacy
Global Systems Initiatives
Progressive States Network
Children's Mental Health Network
Global Health Corps
Global Peace Initiatives
Eau Vive
Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Tibetan Children's Village
Nobel Women's Initiative
The Shalom Center
Cicely Saunders International
Bet Alef Learning Institute