Saturday, December 28, 2024

Helping Hand House

Given the political divisiveness that has gripped this country and the fact that the next four years may be filled with a kind of relentless chaos that can readily distract us from the real issues that plague this American nation,  the focus of this website will shift to those organizations that are attempting to harness the energy, resources and determination  of concerned individuals to help make this human world a better place.

Helping Hand House of Puyallup Washington is such an organization and the following appears on their website.

What We Do

Helping Hand House provides emergency shelter and housing solutions to families in our community, ending their crisis of homelessness. We provide urgent relief with trust, dignity, respect and compassion while we help them secure their new home – helping moms, dads, and kids rekindle their hope for a better future.

Ways to Give

Partner With Families

Transforming a life takes significant amounts of dedication and hard work. It also takes dollars and cents. But the investment—a family’s future transformed, stabilized, and thriving—is PRICELESS. Giving support doesn’t look the same for everyone. That is why we want to give you options in how you can partner with families and support Helping Hand House.

Volunteer, Donate Financially, Employer Matched giving

Lend a Helping Hand

HHH could not provide all of the needed housing services for families without the generous support of like-minded donors and volunteers. Every hour you volunteer
has a tangible value in completing our work. Our appreciation runs deep for those who value the life-changing and community-transforming work we do.

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